Fat Loss with HIIT
HIIT is no doubt a great way to melt off those body fat. The workout aims at quick fat burning and the ultimate...
How of HIIT
How Restful Should The Rest Periods Be? While most people do find this strange, rest periods are imperative in a HIIT...
Equipment for HIIT
HIIT Training can give some amazing results if performed correctly. However, there are a few essentials that you need...
HIIT Benefits
Everyone wants the fastest, most efficient way to get in shape and HIIT delivers. As such, the idea of being able to...
Science of HIIT
HIIT aims to induce overload. That is to say, by going through strenuous exercise, the body fatigues more...
What is HIIT?
Fitness enthusiasts who’re looking for effective ways to get shredded should know about the term ‘HIIT’, also known as...
Drink plenty of Water
How can water increase your metabolism, you say? Well, water is actually involved in all types of cellular processes...
Healthy Diet
Drink Kombucha Tea – it reduces stress, strengthens your immune system, increases your energy, but more importantly it...
Macro-Based Diet and Water
Macronutrients are composed of fats, protein, and carbohydrates. A macronutrient diet focuses on finding the right...